Sunday, June 18, 2017

Kitty Cats and Sparkly Slingbacks

Kitty Cats and Sparkly Slingbacks

Whoa. What a rough week its been. I holed up in my bedroom-- covered in multiple blankets, with a grilled cheese, cuddling with my dog, crying, and watching Love Actually-- not just once but TWICE this week. It was a "bad news, dreams crushed, weird confrontation, more bad news, good news but I dont have enough money to make the good news actually happen so it turned into rather disappointing bad news again, another weird confrontation, wake up in the middle of the night with a panic attack, wake up to more bad news" (in that order) kinda week. Oh, not to mention some "lady issues." Needless to say, Im very glad that its Friday.

When youre having such a week, the only thing you can do is put on your best kitty cat dress, some sparky shoes, and pretend you have it all together. Thats what I did. The feel-goods didnt last very long but they were there.

In all seriousness, Im so thankful for Lake Afton. Adjusting to our temporary life in the burbs hasnt been easy but there are some glimmers of light. This place is one of them. I love to go and watch the ducks, especially when they go under for a snack and put their cute little duck butts in the air while wiggling their tiny webbed feet. It brings me so much joy. Then, in the winter, I like to sit at the coffee shop and watch families skate on the frozen lake. Its like a scene by Norman Rockwell. Its the perfect place to go when you want to be introspective.

Mac, Velvet, Teddy, Lipstick, Kylie, Jenner, Blogger, MakeupHope you all have a great weekend! 
xo, e.m.
dress/ H&M (on sale!), coat/ F21 (old, similar), scarf/ ASOS (similar), shoes/ H&M, bag/ Prada (similar under $150) 

Available link for download