Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Kids Clothes Week Summer 2016 Celebration

Kids Clothes Week Summer 2016 Celebration

My last blog post was basically a pile of kids clothes that Ive made, and this one is basically the same. Last week was the summer 2016 edition of the Kids Clothes Week challenge/sewalong. As Im sure you know by now, the only criteria for taking part is to sew clothing for children for at least an hour a day for a week. Each instalment has a theme, that you can adopt or ignore as you please. This summers theme was Celebration, and I decided to translate it as a celebration of the little girl that my baby is turning into. So that meant embracing her defiantly girly, dressy clothing preferences! 

I failed to do any sewing on Monday or Friday, so I made sure I caught up by doing more than an hour on other days and extended it to include Monday this week. I managed to complete three woven garments, a skirt, a tunic top and a dress. I actually cut out the tunic top months ago, and it was great to be able to use KCW to fit in the actual construction, since I had clearly been stalling for various reasons. 

I intend to write individual posts for each of these garments in due course. However, I must admit at this point that the dress is the only one that Dolores hasnt refused to even try on! So modelled photos may be thin on the ground. 

Any tips on getting head strong toddlers and children to put on clothes when they dont want to?!

Available link for download