Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Keeping Up Is Hard To Do!

Keeping Up Is Hard To Do!

And just like that, its November and I havent blogged since September.  This year is kicking my butt with paperwork, new house, new husband (hehe) , etc.  I am trying to stay above water.

I wanted to keep you posted on my latest events going on with my little ones.

This is our classroom door we decorated for Halloween.  My little ones worked so hard on it!  On the door is a picture of them holding a sign that says "We are Bully-Free".  Under their picture is a writing they had to complete on why its important to be bully-free.  Here are some really good ones:

This one is my favorite!  

They did such a great job with their writing. 

I love it so much that  I decided I am going to keep it up for a while.  Its so bright and catches a lot of attention. =) And we love positive attention. =) 

We have been working on our turkeys and are pretty much done.  Take a look at some of our "Thankful Turkeys" from my TpT Store.

This little boy is sweet.  Look what hes thankful for!

Want to know why I am really busy?  Well we have been so busy with this newest addition to our family.

Our little baby Legend.  We named him after our favorite singer John Legend; in which one of his songs was our wedding song!  Heres another shot of him up to no good!

Do you think he could have any more toys?  LOL  We got him a few weeks ago and boy is he a handful.  From peeing everywhere to biting everything, we can NOT leave him alone for a second.  Hes been taking up most of my time. =)   But hes SO worth it!

I have also been keeping a secret.  I have been working on something so big and important to me, I am just not ready to share.  Drop by on Sunday for more details on my sweet surprise!

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