Kahaani 2 – Durga Rani Singh released last Friday and opened to good numbers. The thriller found many takers over the weekend and that’s the reason, it posted a very respectable score at the end of three days. Vidya Balan’s film earned Rs. 16. 97 cr over its opening weekend. And by doing so, it even managed to earn more than Kahaani’s three day total which was 13. 05 cr.
Taran Adarsh shared the figures on Twitter saying, “#Kahaani2 had further 19.69% growth on Sun… Fri 4.25 cr, Sat 5.79 cr, Sun 6.93 cr. Total: ₹ 16.97 cr [1235 screens]. India biz.” With Dear Zindagi still making moolah in its second week, Kahaani 2 didn’t have to bear the brunt too much. It’s a thriller film and once the mystery gets out, footfalls dwindle. But guess thanks to the first film and its stupendous climax, the sequel received a lot of applause from the audience. And the effect is visible on the numbers.
For a film made on a budget of 15 crore, these numbers are really positive which means it is poised to earn more in the coming days. But the weekdays will be crucial because many people have already watched the film in last three days. Although as per our Trade experts the film was supposed to earn Rs. 27 crore over the first weekend, it has already pocketed more than its budget which makes it a profitable film already.
So have you watched the film?