Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Android Edittext Disable Autofocus

Disabling of edittext in android. ask question. up vote 146 down vote favorite. 30. in my application i have an edittext. i want user just has read access not write access. to disable an edittext while keeping this properties, just use ui.setreadonly(myedittext, true) from this library.. According to me...if you have already declared the edittext in the xml file and set the property in the xml file "android:enabled=false" and disable at runtime to it at that time in java file adding only 2 or 3 lines . first create the object ; declare edittext et1; get by id. et1 = (edittext) findviewbyid(r.id.edittext1);. Stop edittext gaining focus at activity startup android.disable automatic input focus gaining on edittext android example.ddescendantfocusability="". stop edittext gaining focus at activity startup android.disable automatic input focus gaining on edittext android example.ddescendantfocusability=""..

An inputtype of "numericpassword" results in an edit text that accepts numbers only, shows a numeric keyboard when focused, and masks the text that is entered for privacy. see the text fields guide for examples of other r.styleable.textview_inputtype settings.. How can we remove the focus form the edittext, without giving it to an other visible layout element? the simplest (and i think, the only 100% working) solution is, to create an invisible linearlayout. this linearlayout will grab the focus from the edittext. modify the main.xml like this, add a linearlayout before the edittext:. Codepath / android_guides. sign up. working with the edittext. jump to bottom. roger hu edited this page oct 18, 2017